Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rainy day....

There are a lot of things that i wants to write here or thing that i wanna share today.
But lets keep it for another day.
Wasnt in a good mood just now(made me lost interest to blogging), merdeka blues perhaps, however with a simple smile of someone special, i shall end my day today with a smile too!
Yesterday, when i read the newspaper there was one article that captured my attention. The topic? Global warming. I guess the debates about global warming still goes on and on(in a hot and full of rage manner). Still (we) the earth scientist community haven't truly bother about this issue.-i guess i shall give my comment on this, but not now-
It's merdeka eve now....

Rainy day,good smile, good song(background music ha ha)

"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes it all worth living."


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