Saturday, October 07, 2006


I dont know why, but today i feel i just wanna dissapear into another dimension.Or atleast make me invisible.Put me somewhere but here. Six feet under, burn me in the desert, or chill me at the artic cold. Or fly me to a place full of Bavarian's people.

And then come the lust.................................
for a beer, chocolate, grilled chicken, fried pork, french fries, BigMac, oh yah it include wine. I'm just thirsty.

Someone bring me a glass of beer please!


Martin O. said...

Well, I wouldn't mind the desert (I like it hot) but six feet under or artic cold is just not for me... :)

I would send you a beer, but it might spill going through the internet's tubes and people's emails would get all wet. Copy & paste the link below to learn about the 'tubes'.

BigMac & fries--now you made me hungry! Hmmm...there is a McDonald's just a couple streets away....

josh kimura said...

anything would do kyle. hehe

yah martin, me now hungry too.